Tuesday, 27 September 2011

abroad cool girls pics, Random Scholarships - There Are Some Doozies Out There

Random Scholarships - There Are Some Doozies Out There

When you think of scholarships for college or university, do you instantly think of academics and sports? I am guessing so. You may be surprised to know; there are numerous "random scholarships" out there that are available to you. Some of the categories in which these sometimes whacky scholarships fall are contests, personal characteristics, and talents or skills. Let's take a look at each.
The more popular scholarship contests are of course, in the academic area. Essay writing and exams are the givens. But there exist quite a few random scholarships based on very odd, albeit amusing, challenges. Here is one. Dress head-to-toe in Duck Tape for your prom and a scholarship check will be written out in your name (from the DuckBrands company, of course). Really.
Personal Characteristics
Perhaps you didn't know that money for higher education is available to you if you are of a particular family background, nationality, or simply have a certain last name. And who would have thought it would pay to be red-headed, short, on the tall side, left-handed, a twin, or a triplet! Even certain medical conditions such as asthma can get you free money for your college education.
Talents and Skills
In this category, you will typically find the traditional sports' scholarships. But if the conventional sports like baseball and football aren't your forté; how about a golf caddy scholarship or a bowling scholarship? Or perhaps bagpipes or knitting are more your speed?
The American Nudist Research Library also provides free money for college. Would this go in the personal characteristics or talents category? I'm not sure.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3772843

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