Saturday, 24 September 2011

Girls of UK, Free College Scholarships - Never Pay to Apply

Free College Scholarships - Never Pay to Apply

Scholarships provide students with a free source of tuition funding and money for education and college expenses, yet there are many companies in business that make money by selling information about these free programs. While researching and categorizing all of the opportunities takes a significant research team, there are still many information providers available online who can finance their operation with advertising - not charging a direct fee to students.
As a general rule, students should never pay money for information related to college scholarships, grants, financial aid, and loans. The purpose of all of these awards is to give money to the student - not to take money from the student! At most, the cost of applying for scholarships should be limited to printing, photocopying, and postage. Now that many scholarships can be applied for online, the time you spend doing it can be the only real "cost."
Scholarship programs asking for money might use some misleading and unethical tricks to gain interest. They might suggest that you are guaranteed to be awarded money for college if you apply with them and pay them your hard earned cash, but the only legitimate guaranteed scholarships are supported by the government and they do not require intermediaries like a privately paid third party. They might say that their information is not available anywhere else - but this is probably only true about scholarship programs they are exclusive to their customers. In that case, you would just be paying for a chance to get your money back! Its also not a good idea to share your personal banking and financial information - most programs will send you a check payment or send the money to the college directly.
When it comes to college scholarships, always stay with the free scholarship programs and avoid anything that costs a single penny. Legitimate programs are designed to help students, not profits!

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