Saturday, 24 September 2011

pose of Desi and sweet girls , Top Tips on Eagle Scout Scholarships

Top Tips on Eagle Scout Scholarships

If you are looking to receive one of the eagle scout scholarships offered by the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) then we have provided information on the process. Understand that the scholarships are provided annually based on the available funds. There are also a number of constraints attached to this scholarship that we will cover. This article will focus on the process associated with eagle scout scholarships.
Scholarship Stipulations
There are four stipulations that you must agree to in order to receive educational funding from NESA. These are as follows:
  1. Award money is paid directly to college/university. This will be done after NESA has received a completed form that you must fill out beforehand.
  2. Tuition,board,room and books are covered. These are the educational expenses that will be paid for by NESA as long as you are a full-time student for the duration of the scholarship.
  3. Award money is paid based on the institution's guidelines.
  4. Award money is strictly for all accredited four-year college/university institutions that offer at least a bachelor's degree.

Scholarship Requirements
In order to be considered for any of the award money an applicant must be able to confirm the following qualifications:
  1. An Eagle Scout Rank. This may also be an application just as long as it can be verified at the national office.
  2. Applications must be postmarked after November 1. Eligibility continues up to midnight February 28. By the March 5th deadline all applications must be received by the Eagle Scout Service.
  3. Must be entering college and a high school graduating senior the year the scholarship is applied for. The only exception are scouts who have their Eagle Scout boards of review between the first of March and July 31st of their high school graduating year. They are eligible to enter a scholarship application the following year.
  4. Produce a high school transcript showing grades for at least six semesters only. (i.e. Need not be "official.")
  5. ACT score must be at least a 26 and a SAT score of 1090 or higher. When submitted the scores must be attached to the official test sheet. They may also be provided on the "Official" high school transcript provided in point (4).
  6. Demonstrated a consistent scouting leadership ability and be able to provide a record of being involved in other activities besides Scouting.
  7. Produce a clearly written statement demonstrating why the applicant feels they need financial assistance. This must be signed by a parent of the applicant and the applicant.
  8. An endorsement from a scout leader or volunteer who has a personal relationship with the applicant.

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