Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Bombay girls pics. Scholarships for Single Black Mothers

Scholarships for Single Black Mothers

The days of the civil war period are long over, and fortunately many African Americans no longer have to endure the obstacle that racism once presented in our society. Thanks to the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans can be assured the same rights and opportunities as the non-minority population. There are many African American scholarships available today, especially scholarships for single black mothers.
Single black mothers have scholarship opportunities that are not provided to other non-minority groups. This is good news in that they are not as competitive to get, and the money will never have to be paid back.
Here are a few places to look for scholarships for single black mothers:
  • NAACP. You should definitely look into your local NAACP office for information on free grant money for college if you are a single black mother returning to school. They can provide and direct you to all of the places to apply for 2010.
  • Federal Grants- You can also apply for the Obama Pell Grant program by filling out a FAFSA and sending in the requested documentation. This is a Federal Government program that provides grants up to 5,034 dollars year for single moms and other students who are of lower incomes.
  • Online. You can always research many of the scholarships for black mothers by going online and using the search engines. Just put in the specialized search term: scholarships for black mothers and a large list of websites will come up. First make sure that you check out the site to make sure that it is a trustworthy scholarship site, then follow up by applying for all of the grants that you qualify for.
These are the best places to start your search for scholarships for single black mothers. There are many out there, all you have to is follow the application steps and do the footwork to get these free grants for college.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4836645

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