Friday, 23 September 2011

Desi cute teen girls pics, College Grants and Scholarships - How They Are Different

College Grants and Scholarships - How They Are Different

With the rising costs of tuition, college grants and scholarships have become increasingly popular. These programs allow many students to go to college whom otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it.
College grants and scholarships will be the first area you check out when you're searching how to pay for college. Before you begin your search, though, you should understand the difference between college grants and scholarships.
The Differences between College Grants and Scholarships
While some people may not know it, there are several distinct differences between college grants and scholarships. These are the characteristics of grants:
  • Money donated by a non-profit organization - A grant is usually money that is donated from a non-profit organization, corporation or business, and it's tax exempt.
  • Can be given to students for different projects - A grant is usually given for someone to complete a project or program. Sometimes these grants can be given out as part of school program that a student is attending.
  • Requires a proposal - Most grants require a proposal. The student usually has to identify the reason for the grant in an application, and how the money will be used.
  • Report back - Some grants will require the students to report back to the organization on how the money was spent, and what the student has learned. This is not always the case, but it is required for some grants.
  • Out of college - A grant can be given to somebody that is not in college to start a business or conduct research on a topic.
Those are the most common characteristics of college grants. These are the specifications of scholarships:
  • Minimum requirements - Scholarships usually require students to meet some guidelines, either before, during or after the application for the scholarship. The restrictions usually are based on academics, and these scholarships can be taken away if the minimum requirements are not met.
  • Restrictions - This is probably the largest difference between college grants and scholarships. The scholarship may have gender or race requirements for students to be able to apply for them.

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