Tuesday, 20 September 2011

HIP hop pics of British girls, Scholarships For Single Moms - Apply With Caution

Scholarships For Single Moms - Apply With Caution

With the economy not doing so well and many business going out of business scholarships have sprung up to help moms go back to college. These new scholarship programs are awarding $10,000 to moms to return to college. This is a good thing. Those moms that need to return to work or change careers can use this money to educate themselves for this new career.
Many moms have no choice but to return to college, when looking for a scholarship program be aware of some that are not honest. Some might never award the money or try to steal personal information. There are different signs to look out for when researching scholarships.
The first thing to look at is to make sure the company that is sponsoring the scholarships is a reputable company. Read the literature on the website.
If money is being awarded to moms make sure the winners are listed on the site. Is the recent winner or past winners listed? Do they show where they are from and is there a picture associated with the winner. Not all programs list the total amount awarded but check to see if the winner mentions it in their comments.
Deadlines are very important when it comes to scholarships. These deadlines dates are given multiple times a year. Without the deadline date there would be no way to know when the scholarship will be awarded. When applying for the scholarship make sure it is before the deadline date so the application will be eligible.
The act of asking for money doesn't mean the people giving the money need money in return. While filling the application out, which is free, they ask for a credit card or bank number there is something wrong and you need to stop and move on to a different site.
The applications for receiving a scholarship are simple forms to fill out. The first page is just some personal information like first name, last name and phone number with your address. The next pages might be college interests or career interests. If the questions ask for routing numbers, checking account numbers, credit card information, stop and move on to another scholarship site.
With any type of financial transaction which could be a purchase of a product or filling out applications, research and educate yourself so you know how to make an educated decision. The money that is being applied for can be used for any educational expense and does not need to be paid back in the future.
Don't waste the chance that has been given. Take some chances, life has many obstacles, this is one you can avoid. If you're a mom, you owe yourself this worthwhile opportunity to spend 2 minutes or less to apply for this $10,000 scholarship? Click Here to apply for scholarships for single moms [http://newswatchtoday.info/2010/07/moms-awarded], you don't even have to pay it back

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4707004

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