Thursday, 22 September 2011

tattoo amazing pics, How to Avoid Illegal Transactions While Looking for Free Scholarships

How to Avoid Illegal Transactions While Looking for Free Scholarships

Emotions sell. Because we could get somehow emotional, sometimes desperate to get that scholarship we found online, some people may use negative feelings to get money, illegally. Question would be: How sure are you with free scholarship applications you found online?
A lot of scammers have tricked hopeful students who aim for free scholarship grants. Fortunately, these scammers have the same and recognizable traits that you must know. Here are a few tips that might help you avoid scams and get that reliable scholarship you always wanted.
• Know the characteristics of a credible site. Do not just sign up for any site, especially sites that ask your social security or credit card information. This might serve a purpose but usually credible sites never ask for money automatically. Credible sites also represent a real, community institution. To check its affiliation, better get the site's contact information and try communicating with that institution. A good site also has a professional layout and is selective with the advertisements relevant to their offered scholarships. Misleading and aggressive tones of ads may most likely indicate fraudulent acts online.
• Be wary of advance payment schemes. Some sites may pressure you or use erroneous tactics to get money from your pocket. Tactics like "Buy now or miss this opportunity", guaranteed aid upon payment and application fees are just one of the common slogans. Sites may post testimonies of the benefited few but always check for further evidence. Usually, there are no application fees especially with federal agency-sponsored scholarships. Some scholarships may require advance fee loans but very low interests may be an indication of a scam.
• Consider hiring a financial consultant, a scholarship adviser or a former scholar enrolled in a program. An expert may be the person who will guide you on your way of getting that prize. Consider looking at his/her credentials, biography and the site's credibility. Remember, a financial consultant really requires a service fee thus if you are short of resources, you may find other alternative persons like your friends or a former scholar.
• Report fraudulent acts immediately. Institutions that protect you from scams have already been established for quite some time now. You can directly call the US Department of Education's hotline for any malicious acts and fraudulent acts online. The Federal Trade Commission also offers a toll-free call for any parties who need their services. Include evidences, exact dates and names of websites or representatives when you present your case.
• Use both your intuition and scientific sense in discerning the identity of a particular grant. Always have a clear vision for your actions. Always examine your self as to whether your emotions and unsupported assumptions lead you to nowhere. You may also want to talk about your plans with an expert, a parent or an adviser so that he/she can also give an opinion.

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