Thursday, 22 September 2011

Facebook girls profile pics, Federal College Scholarships for Women

Federal College Scholarships for Women

There is no end of the road for education. It is always important for young women to go to college. Most countries give consideration to single women, single mothers and working mothers, supporting them in their burning desire to educate themselves.
A higher qualification is always beneficial when wanting a higher post in a job and higher perks. This is very important for a safe and secure future. In many cases, women have to strike a balance between need of the hour and personal needs. In such circumstances it is always the personal well-being that compromises and takes the beating.
The government understands the difficulties of a mother and especially single working mothers and offer a lot of scholarships to make education easy and feasible for her. Recently, President Obama brought about changes by increase in Pell grant amount and scholarship of working women and mothers. There are many other federal grants and scholarships that makes living and studying very easy for them. 'Moms Return to School Program' is another beneficial and supportive program for working mothers who wish to pursue studies. A scholarship amount of $10,000 from the Obama Scholarship fund can take care of financing your education while supporting your family.
If you have a good academic score of up to 3.0 grade point average, you are eligible for SMART Grant. The person should be an undergraduate as a pre-requisite. By the end of 2nd year, if you score well, you are eligible for a scholarship of up to $4000 for both 3rd, as well as 4th year of study. This scholarship is applied for study of science, physics, technology and computer science etc.
There are other scholarships and grants like the Teach Grant which provide government aid for people who wish to become teachers. The Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation was formed under the guidance of Congresswoman Mink who recognized the importance of education for working mothers. This foundation offers scholarships of up to $2000. 'Raise the Nation' and 'Jeannette Rankin Foundation' are dedicated for women from low social economic groups.

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