Thursday, 22 September 2011

girls in sarri pics , College Scholarship Applications That Are Due in January

College Scholarship Applications That Are Due in January

It is easy to lose track of the college deadline due dates since there are dates for the admission essays as well as other parts of the college process. Keeping a spreadsheet will help you to know which deadlines are due for the college essays, admission applications and the scholarship form deadlines. In addition, recommendation letters are needed for both the admission applications as well as the scholarship awards. These may interlap, but they may
also be different. For instance, if you are applying for a scholarship related to a health issue, you would want to get a recommendation from someone who is familiar with your illness and is aware of your community service or volunteer work.
One of the scholarship awards that are due in January is the National Eagle Scout Association gift. There are about one hundred and fifty of these and one needs to be applying to a four year school. The date it is due is the last day of January in 2011. Some awards go up to one thousand dollars. If you have background as an eagle scout this is an important scholarship to review.
Another scholarship that requires applicants to submit by the 20th of January is The NY Water Environment Association award. Each of these is one thoussand and five hundred dollars in scholarship money. The Simon Youth Foundation Community Scholarship has a deadline of January 5th and is available for those who live near a Simon mall or a premium outlet. If you are a high school senior you are eligible.
Washing Crossing Foundation has a deadline of January 14th and is a way to get funding if you are looking to work in the government services. One needs to be able to include a recommendation from one's school counselor or principal. Talbots Scholarship has a deadline of January 3rd so if you have an interest in this one, keep your awareness on the date. It is easy to lose track around Christmas break because school is often closed till January 2nd. You can be considered for both a two or a four year program and it is designed for the strengthening of women.

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